clock time and date see rds 时钟时间及日期看纪录
time and clock 时间和时钟
real-time clock time 实时时钟时间
real-time clock time-sharing 实时时钟分时
Time-Time-Time Switching Network TTT 时间-时间-时间交换网络
all-optical synchronization clock extraction 全光自同步时钟提取
and Clock Period Minimization 时钟周期值最小化
and Time display slave clock 子钟
astronomical time clock 日光自动开关
atomic clock time 原子时; 原子时间
bearing for clock and watch 聚酰亚胺二氧化钛杂化膜; 钟表轴承
Carrier and Clock Recovery (CCR) sequence 载波/多通道比
CCR(Carrier and Clock Recovery) sequence 载波及时序再生序列
chargeable-time clock 西南季风潮; 收费时间计时器
Chip with function of Clock and calendar 时钟日历芯片
clock and data capture and restoration circuit 时钟及数据捕捉和恢复
Clock and Data Recovery 时钟数据恢复
Clock and Data Recovery CDR 时钟和数据恢复; 时钟数据恢复
Clock and data recovery circuit 时钟数据恢复电路; 时钟提取电路